Why aren’t there more clean air startups?

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At Growth Studio, we help startups focused on improving planet health, succeed, grow and attract investment. Indeed, it’s fundamental to our own success that our startup community secure motivated investors.

Our most recent Breathable Cities programme for clean air startups is no exception.

And yet while some stats point to a rosy picture of investment, (UK tech firms raised $29.9B in 2022, making us the third largest country for tech investment after the US and China according to DealRoom), on the ground – it’s been tougher than ever.

Climate and environmentally led startups seeking early-stage investment have been struggling. We’ve seen founders secure fewer meetings, experienced many more rounds of pitches than usual, seen much longer and arduous due diligence and higher rates of rejections.

Read the full article on Maddyness.com here.


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